Looking for a bootable offline NTFS File Mananger


Apr 2, 2015
I'm always been looking for a bootable lightweight NTFS File manager, where I can mass replace windows system files.

I normally have dual-boot Win machine so it hasn't been a problem, so I need one I can boot from u USB or even make a bootable partition along windows where I can go to replace Window files.

Do not suggest Windows CD as I don't have a CD/DVD Drive installed either.
Build a script to move/copy/replace files from the bootable source (via Linux which is what the aforementioned gparted distro was as well). You are not likely to find a ready made solution, otherwise.

Good luck.

Customisation, tweaking, reshacking dll,etc, files etc, that are normally in use.

Anyway I try the gparted link, I know there's mini partition wizard free version, but that only let's you view hard drives contents but not edit them.