I've decided to skip i7 and i5's going straight to either Sandy Bridge or Ivy Bridge cores with pcie3 sata3 ddr3 and usb3, so right now I'm looking for a low cost solution for a computer while I wait. Two computers aren't enough for me to share with my parents anymore.
Right now, I'm looking for any Core 2 quad or core 2 duo or phenom II computer, preferably a phenom 720 if I go down the AMD route. I've got a 400cx psu, so basically I need everything in a computer (cpu, ram, hdd, video) except the psu. Unless someone can sell me a monstrous video card (more than gts250 or hd4770) taking more than 30amps on +12v, I won't need another psu. If you also happen to have an Antec 300/900 by any chance, I may take it as well, depending it's condition and extra fees to shipping.
I'm in Toronto, Canada, so that's where the shipment would go to. If you have any of these that you are willing to sell to me, please PM me with
-exactly which parts (with exact model #) you are willing to sell
-their condition (used, new, open box, defective, error during stess test, etc.)
-how much $$$ you are asking for
-and how much shipping would cost from your location. Please make sure that the cost of shipping doesn't completely defeat the point of buying 2nd hand, eg DVD drive $20, shipping $10...
Right now, I'm looking for any Core 2 quad or core 2 duo or phenom II computer, preferably a phenom 720 if I go down the AMD route. I've got a 400cx psu, so basically I need everything in a computer (cpu, ram, hdd, video) except the psu. Unless someone can sell me a monstrous video card (more than gts250 or hd4770) taking more than 30amps on +12v, I won't need another psu. If you also happen to have an Antec 300/900 by any chance, I may take it as well, depending it's condition and extra fees to shipping.
I'm in Toronto, Canada, so that's where the shipment would go to. If you have any of these that you are willing to sell to me, please PM me with
-exactly which parts (with exact model #) you are willing to sell
-their condition (used, new, open box, defective, error during stess test, etc.)
-how much $$$ you are asking for
-and how much shipping would cost from your location. Please make sure that the cost of shipping doesn't completely defeat the point of buying 2nd hand, eg DVD drive $20, shipping $10...