Looking For A CPU!! Help Please!!!!


Nov 6, 2016
Hi, so basically I am looking for a new CPU, Currently I have a Intel I5 4460 and a Gigabyte GA-B85-HD3 mobo. I was also wondering if it is worth it for me to get a new motherboard as well and move to Skylake. I would like an I7, I mainly do gaming and I want to get into video editing. I was looking at the Intel I7 4790k and that looks fairly good. Any suggestion would be appreciated!! Thanks!! HELP PLEASE!!
Here is a link to the processors supported by your motherboard.
The i7-4790K is the strongest on the list.
It is supported by F9 bios and later.
CPU-Z will tell you your current bios level.
DO NOT update without a good cause; a failed bios flasn can cause all sorts of problems.

Broadwell had much better integrated graphics, but no more performance. Since it is not supported, it is a moot point for you.

Kaby lake will work on current skylake lga1151 motherboards. The requirement for low voltage ddr3 or ddr4 will still be there.

Then, also, Intel does not reduce prices for old gen products. They maintain full list for replacement buyers.
On the used market, you will get fair price/performance.
Since kaby lake is not expected to be...
What i would suggest is wait till February and see Kabylake and Zen in action.Rumour has it that Zen can go toe to toe with latest intel offerings at much cheaper price.It would be a wise choice if you wait till next year
Your i5-4400 runs at 3.2.
The single thread speed is most important for gaming.
If you were to buy a I7-4790K, you would run at 4.0 stock, a nice boost.
Your motherboard does not support overclocking.
If your video editing app supports multithreading, the I7 hyperthreads will help.

A used i7-4790K sells for something like $280 on ebay.

You might find a I7-6700K for a similar price at a store like microcenter.
Performance would not be much different and you would also need to buy a lga1151 motherboard and ddr4 ram.

Waiting on kaby lake might get you an added 5% price/performance benefit.
The big unknown, and a reason for waiting would be the 200 series chipset and what they support.
In particular the Xpoint optane devices which may offer significant performance boost for the ssd type storage.

Hi and thanks for the amazing reply!! In conclusion. What do you recommend I do?

Shop for a i7-4790K.

Ok thanks, I will wait untill then, I will probly end up buying a 4790k because I will cost me alot to buy a new motherboard a new CPU and new RAM, unless Kabylake support DDR3 (which it probly won't). Is that a good idea?

Read what I put above. Is that a good idea. Thanks

Skylake and probably kaby lake does support ddr3 ram.
The catch is that it must be low voltage ram at 1.35v or less.
The ddr3 ram commonly in use today is 1.5v and higher so it is not transferable.

Yeah It is quite annoying. I will just wait and see off Kaby lake has it and if not I will buy a I7 4790k because I dont really want to buy more RAM because its expensive and buying a new mobo would mean that I would have to reinstall Windows I think. I was looking at Broad well processors but they seem to be a lot more expensive but they do support DDR3 Ram. Are Broad well processors LGA1150?
Here is a link to the processors supported by your motherboard.
The i7-4790K is the strongest on the list.
It is supported by F9 bios and later.
CPU-Z will tell you your current bios level.
DO NOT update without a good cause; a failed bios flasn can cause all sorts of problems.

Broadwell had much better integrated graphics, but no more performance. Since it is not supported, it is a moot point for you.

Kaby lake will work on current skylake lga1151 motherboards. The requirement for low voltage ddr3 or ddr4 will still be there.

Then, also, Intel does not reduce prices for old gen products. They maintain full list for replacement buyers.
On the used market, you will get fair price/performance.
Since kaby lake is not expected to be much faster and not cheaper, you will be better off with a i7-4790K.

One place for a real deal is microcenter if you live nearby; they will sell you a i7-4790K for $270