Looking for a decent gpu


Sep 17, 2009
Hi im looking to get a new gpu that will run with my current machine (not worried if the gpu will get bottle necked by my pc) as im building new 1 soon but 1 piece at a time.


im going to be buying a 450W Corsair http://www.advancetec.co.uk/acatalog/info_1408077.html so power shudnt be an issue.

i have around £90 to spend and would like to get the best for my money. also id like 1 that runs cool as im guessing my current pc has low airflow and wouldnt want to risk killing it 😉

thanks in advance

Not if the OP is in the UK as I suspect, for around £90 the 4770, 4850, 9800GT or GTS250 is about all you're going to get, a 4870 can be got for £97 - £100 but that's about it as far as the choices go.

thanks for your reply. is the difference between the 4870 and the next card a remarkable difference if so i cold probable stretch to 120 at the max thanks in advance

since my lat post ive been doing some research and came to te conclusion that the 4850 is probably my best bet it handle pretty much anything apparently. my only concern with it is that it runs hot would i need extra fans and if so what sort?

also there seems to be loads of different versions of it and i dont really understand why and what each means which 1 out of these would you choose (bang for buck).


remembering 90 is my preferred spend(less is gd too) i was thinkin maybe
but really i havent got a clue which ever 1 you lot suggest ill probably get.


ive just been browsing and noticed that the other 1 is £15 cheaper but has half the memory will this make massive difference?

It should vent most of its heat straight out of the case, so try it first and if things start to get too warm then look to getting some fans.