Looking for a Front Internal USB port and possibly a Front Case Fan.


Dec 18, 2012
My case is the Rosewill Challenger U3 - http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811147060

I'm looking for an Front-facing 3.5"/5.25" Internal USB port for my case (Maybe even a usb/card reader combo), so that I can have more USB ports. The reason being is that one of my front usb connectors has snapped off and there's no real way for me to put it back into place(Aside from maybe gluing it in there). It's currently just loose inside the top part of my case.

The other thing I'm wanting to get is a case fan. The reason is that my front case fan has been giving me some occasional trouble. Sometimes, when I start up my PC, it makes a really awful grinding sound. When this happens, I have to shut off my PC, snap the front cover off, and wiggle it a bit before it sounds normal. I have no idea why it does this, however, this hasn't happened for about a week now. If I do get one, I'd like a pretty quiet fan.

I've also got a $10 off coupon to use on Newegg that expires on the 31st, so I figured now would be as good a time as any to get these parts.

So, can anyone recommend me two cheap options? I'm aiming for under $20 if possible for both pieces of equipment.

This is somewhat of a rushed post, so sorry if it's a bit confusing. If I need to make anything more clear, just ask.
Do you have USB 2 or 3?

I wouldn't waste money on an internal card reader. They all have bad reviews, and are expensive compared with one that just plugs into a USB slot.

If you can give the size of the Fan and the mili amps on the label, it will help.

Quiet is relative.
Slower = quiet, but also cools less.
Large and slow is the key to quiet.

Lately to keep builds quiet, I go for 120 mm or larger fans, turning 1200 RPM or less.