Question looking for a full tower case with built in hot swap


Aug 6, 2019
I currently have a "DIY-PC skyline-06-BL" that has a top mount hot swappable sata-3 connector. I have no complaints with my current case, however i have been thinking about possibly trying to find something else for my next build for a fresh look. I have searched over and over, no find nothing else with a built in hot swap dock; and i was curious if anyone had any other suggestions?

I have contemplated the corsair 800d, but i need the no down time accessability of it being readily accessible. drop in and go (no fighting with trays, screws, or pins).

I may just settle for a twin of my current case if i am unable to find much else in a full tower platform. any suggestions?

my current case ~>

I am not looking for hot swap bays. i am look for a drop in and go dock built into a computer case, where i would not be wasting time with pins, screws or trays.

ive concidered an external hdd/ssd drop in dock, but i just do not want the clutter on my desk. I work from home doing data recovery occasionally. its just easier for me to have the dock built into the case.

This converts any pc with 2x 5.25 bays into 3x hot-swap bays. It'll allow you to choose any case without pins/screws/trays.

Finding anything modern, that's readily available with a drop-in hot-swap bay is near impossible. I have one on my CM 690 II Advanced, (love this case) but those cases are hard to find now.

You'll find that most cases with drop-in bays are gone now, replaced by exhaust fans, zero optical designs etc.
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Reactions: mc_spaceman
PCPartPicker Part List
Case: Thermaltake ARMOR REVO ATX Full Tower Case
Total: $0.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-07 08:31 EDT-0400

PCPartPicker Part List
Case: Thermaltake Chaser A71 ATX Full Tower Case
Total: $0.00
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-08-07 08:37 EDT-0400

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