Looking for a graphics card for my first gaming desktop build.

Jordan Norton

Jun 16, 2015
i am going to soon have my first gaming desktop and have decided on every part i want/need except the graphics card, this i am having problems on deciding after reviews/negative comments and the sort of certain cards.

i was looking at the gtx 960 STRIX edition by asus (4gb) but supposedly theres no real difference over the 2gb version. £200 is really what i am wanting to spend but i want to run games 1080p with good settings and decent frame rates. i also was looking to stay away from AMD cards due to the extra power they use (saving on the energy bill!)

dont play many desktop games at the moment apart from left 4 dead 2, but looking to invest in a few AAA titles and upcoming games such as Doom. is there such a card for around £200 which allows me to play on high/ultra settings at 1080p on modern games?
VRAM is used for Higher Resolutions, the GPU itself handles the games. So stating which games can be played based on VRAM is not totally accurate. If you plan on gaming at 1080p, most AAA games will be fine with 2GB, but not all. If you want to game on higher resolution, then 4GB is basically mandatory.
Intel core i5 4460 3.2ghz
GIGABYTE GA-H81M-S2H Intel H81 Motherboard
Samsung 840 pro 256GB SSD
Kingston HyperX Fury Black 16GB
Asus VX279Q 27-inch Widescreen IPS Monitor 1080p (could possibly run dual 1080p monitors) have a 21.5" 1080p benq at the moment.
Power supply yet undecided. dont know what wattage i need yet.

Well, yes... the 2gb has 2gb of vram and the 4gb has 4gb of vram. Performance wise, they are identical until you use more than 2gb of vram. If you plan on using dual monitors, I would just go for the 970.