Looking for a Gtx 780ti. But I don't know what brand to pick?


Nov 24, 2013
Hey! I am looking to buy à new graphics card. And i think I am going for a GTX 780ti. But i don't know what brand. There are four brand i am choosing between the MSI, ZOTAC, EVGA and Gainward. As I said I have no idea which one is better so please help me pick. I have no budget but I want as much power as possible.
Sorry for bad English. It is not my first language.
My favorite would be EVGA and Gainward, but does it really matter all of those brands will have custom cooling and oc wich will be around the same on all of them the brands dont matter
since i haven't seen any custom coolers on this card yet (could be me), you should at the out of the box speeds and their reputation. The ones you named are all big brands, but also the big brands have their flaws.