Looking for a low profile capture card


Mar 23, 2017
Does anyone know of a half-size/low profile capture card that can stream at 720p and 60fps? Thanks for replies in advanced! :)
Well, you didn't mention what sort of I/O you're in need of otherwise I'd have suggested an Elgato HD60 Pro card which can be modified to work in a half height expansion slot

Mind sharing your full system's specs? It might be possible for you to go with an external capture card altogether.
Well, you didn't mention what sort of I/O you're in need of otherwise I'd have suggested an Elgato HD60 Pro card which can be modified to work in a half height expansion slot

Mind sharing your full system's specs? It might be possible for you to go with an external capture card altogether.

Well I'm currently still just picking parts at the moment so there's no real solid mobo im looking for besides the fact that its going to be a mITX board and the case (only part I have atm) has only a single expansion slot which just so happens to be a half size slot. This computer is going to be a dedicated streaming build so it would be fine with just the capture card being in the expansion since I'm probably going to go with an intel chip with onboard graphics :) But thanks for the input!

I was looking around and found out this was the best capture card there is but didn't know if there was a low profile version. Since you helped me figure it out, I've decided to purchase this one thus answering my question! :)