Looking for a mechanical keyboard for competitive gaming

Arvin Seyedi

Jan 24, 2017
my current keyboard is a standard one that is pretty much used up, I have 500 dollars so money is not really an issue, I want to try a mechanical keyboard because I heard many great things about them.
I want one that I can use for competitive games such as cs;go, overwatch, LoL, etc. I looked around and found many options such as the G pro keyboard, k70 rgb lux cherry mx red, the g810 orion spectrum, and a few more.
I don't really want a huge keyboard, I always wanted a smaller one, I don't really care too much about lighting but I still would like a clean look that I can customize.
If you have any suggestions let me know, thanks


Where are you located and where would you want to purchase off of(preferred site)? You can find a lot of options but with mechanical keyboards, the differentiation isn't with just the aesthetics but the switches used. You will need to state what sort of a switch you're looking for.

Stay away from Razer mechanical keyboards!

Arvin Seyedi

Jan 24, 2017

I am in Canada and I don't really care what site, when I order something though its usually on Amazon.
For the switches I am looking for cherry mx red switches from what I have researched they would be the best for me. I did not plan on getting a razer keyboard I had one before and hated it, I was thinking logitech, corsair, coolermaster, but I don't know too much so I guess I am not sure what company I want to go for



Feb 7, 2014

I had the Razer Blackwidow for a year then purchased the chroma back in 2015 and it still holds up to this day? How come you advise to stay away from them? I'm just curious since from personal experience I've had a lot of fun with my Razer keyboards & other peripherals :)