Looking for a new GPU for my desktop. Any suggestions?


Apr 26, 2016

My MSI GTX-970 was broken(Garbage display) recently, and I'm looking for a replacement for it. I have a $300 budget. I'm not looking for a big upgrade, I just want to play the current games I'm playing and also some of the new ones.

PC Spec:
8GB corsair RAM
MOBO- GA970A-DS3p(1.0) - I know this is garbage but I'm not planning to upgrade it anytime soon:)
PSU- CS750m
Monitor: BenQ RL2455HM - 24 inches 1080p

Games that I usually play:

Skyrim Special Edition - heavily moded
Fallout 4 - heavily moded
Witcher 3
Other openworld games

My top candidate is RX480 8GB. should I go for it or should I wait for the RX 5XX cards or should I go for other GPU like GTX 1060?

Thank you!
1060 6GB or 480 are almost same in performance for 1080p display. And if you want a card buy now. Every year new cards come and go. Get one which can do your job.

Do you think its a good idea to wait for the RX580? I heard that it is like the 480 but consumes less power and cheaper. Also will my 8350 bottlenecks the RX480 8GB if ever?

Thank you