Looking for a new PSU


Nov 23, 2013
So right now I am looking for a 600W PSU that isn't overly expensive, Found these two on Amazon both from reputable companies :


The PSU I have right now is 'apparently' 650W (Alpine PSU) that I'v only had since Christmas 2013 but I started having problems last year and now every so often my PC won't boot and I'll have to unplug the GPU, and reconnect to get it going, Also pretty sure the Fan-Bearings are going because when I turn of the system and it's winding down I can hear a quite grinding noise as the fan slows down :/

You guys got any recommendations?
Just came across this also - http://www.cclonline.com/product/182764/100-W1-0600-K3/Power-Supplies/EVGA-600w-White-80-ATX-Power-Supply/PSU0906/

I second that I was going to post a 550w . I am glad you did... GOOD PSU IN THIS POST ALSO

I know that'll have better components but it's still an extra £22+ and that's another 40euro :/ Plus I won't be OC'ing so it wouldn't be being pushed that much. Is there any other for around £50-£60?


49.48 pounds tier 1 but only a 550w ... BUT A REALLY GOOD 550W

your pretty good with stuff outside the U.S.
I only looked at amazon uk and it was a lot higher.
I got it now..