Question Looking for a replacement for a GTS250

Apr 2, 2019
My current PC Build: AMD Athlon IIX3 445 3.1GHz
12GB Ram
NVDIA GeForce GTS250
500W Power Supply
M4A77TD ASUS Motherboard
Windows 10 Home
I was wondering what video card would be compatible with my current build until I have the urgent need to upgrade everything or build a new computer. My current one is showing it's age and crashing at times when I'm using GameMaker so I need a temporary or maybe battle it out until it all goes. Cheers!
Practically anything. Look at GT730 or R7 250 as equivalent replacements. And up from there depending on what you want spend.

Entry level contemporary gaming cards would be the GTX1050 or RX560. More budget would be the GT1030 or RX550.
^This. ANYTHING will be an improvement.
Why not buy the GPU you wish to carry over to the new build. I agree, you're far past overdue for a complete system refresh.


BTW, this past weekend I OC'd a x3 450 to 3.9GHz. Still terribly slow by today's standards, but a 20% improvement over stock...
Country: Canada
Budget: $750CAD

I plan on rehashing my entire system in mid-2020 by replacing my motherboard, processor and ram so Im looking for one that would last me into the new build. I just need something that'll run any coding programs without any display hiccups.
Well, I wouldn't suggest spending money on your next card now, options will be different in 2020. Maybe pick up a used graphics card on the cheap. If all you are wanting to do is a little programming, anything should do.

Have you absolutely narrowed it down to the GPU?

For about 300 CAD you can replace most everything and get a head start on a system upgrade.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: AMD - Ryzen 3 2200G 3.5 GHz Quad-Core Processor ($118.99 @ Powertop)
Motherboard: ASRock - B450M PRO4 Micro ATX AM4 Motherboard ($84.90 @ Vuugo)
Memory: Corsair - Vengeance LPX 8 GB (2 x 4 GB) DDR4-3000 Memory ($74.99 @ Newegg Canada)
Total: $278.88
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2019-04-02 14:38 EDT-0400
Well my current problem thats coming up is that I keep getting an error message when I open GameMaker and use iot for about an hour, it says NVDIA OpenGL detected a problem with the display driver and it is unable to continue. I talked with the person I got this computer a few weeks ago since I just got this refurbished for about 400 so I could possibly return it back still. For reference, my current monitor is a ASUS V727VQ 27" Monitor and I'm currently using a Cougar PURI and Reddragon Mouse.
Well, you could try firmware updates and driver updates. But if the system has some sort of return policy I would consider using it.

It is quite dated and you can do better for $400 CAD.

Just add a cheap GPU if you need a little more graphics.

Or this with an old quadro and SSD:

Plenty to pick from that will blow an old Athlon out of the water: