[SOLVED] Looking for a USB hub with very low power consumption


Aug 25, 2021
I'm looking for a USB hub to connect to a Raspberry Pi Zero that will pull very little power on its own. I've tested about 5 USB hubs and observed that each hub pulls about 50 mA on top of the power used by the devices plugged into it. I'm looking for a hub that will pull less than 10 mA. Does anyone know where I could find such a hub? I'm having a hard time finding any hubs for sale that list their power consumption. I've found USB hub controllers that are marketed as "low-powered" but haven't been able to find an actual hub that takes advantage of these low-powered controllers.
I'm looking for a USB hub to connect to a Raspberry Pi Zero that will pull very little power on its own. I've tested about 5 USB hubs and observed that each hub pulls about 50 mA on top of the power used by the devices plugged into it. I'm looking for a hub that will pull less than 10 mA. Does anyone know where I could find such a hub? I'm having a hard time finding any hubs for sale that list their power consumption. I've found USB hub controllers that are marketed as "low-powered" but haven't been able to find an actual hub that takes advantage of these low-powered controllers.
Why not a powered hub ? It would not use USB for power any more.
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