Looking for a wiring diagram of a IDE&SATA to USB Adapter.

Google: "ide sata to usb adapter schematic diagram"

Example link:


Scroll down.

And agree with the previous posts: may be very difficult to find the applicable match to make a repair.

And it is very unlikely that any repair is actually possible. All in favor of DIY stuff but those adapters are assembled by robots with very tight error tolerances. No allowance for future repairs. Expendable product.

Too tight for most human "hands on" work. Any soldering attempt is likely to end badly.

However, if nothing to lose - no harm in trying a repair.

I been looking for "IDE&SATA TO USB 20337" on google from this photo of the pcb board i took but i keep finding adapters different to mine.
Google: "ide sata to usb adapter schematic diagram"

Example link:


Scroll down.

And agree with the previous posts: may be very difficult to find the applicable match to make a repair.

And it is very unlikely that any repair is actually possible. All in favor of DIY stuff but those adapters are assembled by robots with very tight error tolerances. No allowance for future repairs. Expendable product.

Too tight for most human "hands on" work. Any soldering attempt is likely to end badly.

However, if nothing to lose - no harm in trying a repair.

Thank you very much,i will mark your post as the solution but i will not try to repair it, at least not now maybe i would buy another adapter because this adapter would be difficult to fix.