Looking for advice on a new SSD for workstation


Jul 5, 2013
CPU --> FX 8350
GPU --> R9 280x 3GB
RAM --> 16GB
OS --> Windows 8.1 Pro
HDD --> seagate 2TB (storage/steam)
SSD --> used for programs ( I like my 7 second cold boot)

I'm looking for a new 256GB+ SSD to replace my current 120GB SSD that is getting very full (95%)

My budget is $0.00 - $199.99 (not including tax+s/h) If an extra $50 is worth it, feel free to speak up.

What I have (SSD)--> http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820227729

What I am looking at -->



What I use --> 3ds Max, Maya, Mudbox, Fl Studio, Painter X2

Reason for a new drive --> My current SSD is getting pretty full and I don't like having to choose between what programs I want to install and swapping files between drives, etc. Does anybody have recommendations or advice on which SSD I should go with? (doesn't have to be a drive I picked out)

Thanks guys/girls
I guess what I'm asking is, would I get close to or better performance with the Sandisk? ( I read the article, and it had some decent data, but I like to have somebody sell my a product, then convince me not to--I like making sure I know how something will perform in a worst case scenario. Is there any reason the 840 EVOs sell so well? (besides sales and promos)

After looking at it and some reviews/data, it looks pretty good--thanks for the heads up : )

$200 seems like a fairly decent deal

thanks again : )