Question Looking for advice on upgrading PC

Jun 19, 2019
This is my current build:

I am looking to upgrade my overall display for gaming, so either a 1080 or 2080 graphics card, as well as a 4k monitor, and whatever other hardware would need upgrading for compatibility.

I generally play more RPG-style, chill games than very competitive shooters, and want to play them comfortably at max settings, so I would think that I don't necessarily need a low response time monitor, but I'm really no expert on all this.

Any advice offered is much appreciated, and let me know if you need additional info. Thanks!
I initially overclocked the CPU when I built it around four years ago, but I remember the OC was causing a game that I was playing at the time to crash constantly. After undoing that, the game immediately stopped crashing, so I'm not sure if it was only an issue with that game, or if it was an overall hardware issue.
So I'm basically looking for advice regarding what, if any, other parts I would have to upgrade to remain compatible with an upgrade 4k capable GPU (1080 or 2080), as well as recommendations for 4k monitors.
I initially overclocked the CPU when I built it around four years ago, but I remember the OC was causing a game that I was playing at the time to crash constantly. After undoing that, the game immediately stopped crashing, so I'm not sure if it was only an issue with that game, or if it was an overall hardware issue.

That means either A. You didn't stabilize your overclock long enough, or B. You didn't use a proper/good stress tester like AIDA64, Prime95, OCCT, ROGRealBench etc etc.

I had an overclock on a 4690K at 4.5ghz for at least a few years, before I realized it was unstable. Even though I stress tested it with OCCT for 4 hours, turns out that wasn't good enough and one of my games kept crashing on me. I can't remember the exact details, but I think I went back retested for longer, and it was unstable. So after increasing voltage a bit more, it was fully stable afterwards.

For a good solid stability run, 8 hours bare minimum of at least one good stress tester is needed in my opinion.

Anyways, to answer your actual question, for 4k gaming, RTX 2080 at least for sure. the GTX 1080 can't handle 4k well unless it's an old title.

Your RAM is quite low only 8GB of it, I suggest you upgrade to a 2x8GB kit. Preferably at around 3000mhz.

You should be okay CPU wise, but it'll definitely struggle in any new titles, even at 4k. So when you have the money, I suggest you replace your motherboard and CPU with a new Ryzen or Coffee Lake platform.