Looking For Airflow Help


Nov 22, 2015
I have my build completely thought out, except for case fans and airflow, so I'm only looking for advice on airflow through my system. Here's my parts: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/6kxL3C

The case comes with two Fractal Design Dynamic GP14 140mm fans included. This rig is meant for high-end gaming (not planning on overclocking in the near future).

Do I need any more fans? If so, how many, what size, and what brand?

How should I position them? I know that airflow should go intake from bottom and front, and exhaust from top and back. I'm also confused on whether I should have positive pressure or negative pressure. I know that positive pressure has more intake than exhaust fans and prevents the most dust, while negative pressure has more exhaust than intake and increases airflow.
Best to try it and see what your temps are like before adding more fans should be ok since your not OC
Remove any unused h/d cages to supply a unrestricted flow of air .
If you were OC adding another frt intake fan bottom intake for gpu and possibly one exhaust top would help keep it cool.
Best to try it and see what your temps are like before adding more fans should be ok since your not OC
Remove any unused h/d cages to supply a unrestricted flow of air .
If you were OC adding another frt intake fan bottom intake for gpu and possibly one exhaust top would help keep it cool.