Looking for Appropriate PSU for a ASUS GTX 960 Small Factor?


Jul 2, 2014
I've been looking for GPUs for a while now and have settled on a ASUS PCIE GEFORCE GTX960 MINI OC 2GB BOX DDR5 due to my case being too small for a normal GTX 960.

The only problem I have is that my PSU is 460W. I looked at the specs on the GPU and it said this, "Up to 150W1 Additional 6 pin PCIe Power Required".

As I am quite new with PC parts, I don't know what the "Additional 6 pin PCIe Power Required" means. And I also need to know if my PSU is worthy enough to handle this Graphics Card. If not, what would need to be the wattage on a new one.

Thank you for reading! :)

My PC Specs:
CPU: Intel Core i7-4790 @ 3.60GHz
PSU: 460W
You need a PSU with a 6 pin PCIE power connection to run the card.

The card needs a 6 pin from the PSU.


Ok I'll have a look at my PSU later to see what power cable it uses. Thanks :)

Ok so I checked my PSU and it has a 6pin cable. Also, I got confused and I don't understand if my PSU is 460 or 385. Here's the image,


And if it is a 385W, is that enough?