Looking for compatible Processor


Sep 12, 2013
Which best quad core processor will work on a ASRock N68-VGS3 UCC motherboard? Preferably the AMD Phenom Series.

Recently I got a Phenom ii x4 965, but it overall failed because it runs on 125w..any help?
Here is a CPU support list: http://asrock.com/mb/cpu.asp?Model=N68-VS3%20UCC

Availability for Phenom II is very low.

Here is what I could find (order of ascending price):
there are 945's, 955's, and the 960T all with 95w flavors for up to 3.2 Ghz, i had a 925 for a while which was great...look at the "buisiness class" models as well: B93,B95,B97,B99- all 95w

Most of these you won't find new, but as they aren't unlocked models, the one's you find used probably won't have been overclocked and should be just fine.


Will that do the trick?

That would work wonderfully :)

Perfect! Now what graphics card would be perfect for this processor? Preferably looking for an Nvidia Card.

My monitor max res is 1680x1050
My target fps is something that is smooth and playable 60~ fps.
The posted CPU has a lowest price of $109.98 ($104.99+$4.99). For that price, I would much rather get the AMD FX-6300 (3 years newer). You will be able to use this CPU after updating to BIOS version P1.70.
Here is some comparison information:

Note: The price for this fluctuates between $109.99, and $119.99. This happens very often, so be sure to buy it when it is $109.99.
For your graphics card, a budget for that piece would also help.
This 650 ti boost is a great choice. Good bang for your buck.

Great stuff many thanks!