Question Looking for EVGA Pro 3-way SLI Bridge

Sep 7, 2024
Hello. Im lookin for SLI bridge EVGA Pro 3-way. Its very hard for me to find it and im searching a long time. Cant count how many hours i wasted for it. Every bridge i found is 2-way but for me 3-way is necessary. Maybe anyone have this bridge and no need that anymore? Im building dream pc from 2008 on EVGA nforce 790i ultra (with qx9650). I want make it looks awesome, full evga parts and all i need for now is that bridge (and one more graphic card to finish cose got collection about 200 cards but not that i want in this build and now its on 3x evga 9800gtx+ on air). It gona be really great if anyone have it unneeded.
Sep 7, 2024
Welcome to the forums, newcomer!

What you're looking for is this;
and the closest I could find is this;
Thank you for your effort. I got couple of that standard 3-way but they looks nowhere that good like Evga Pro.