looking for gpu cooler for club 3d radeon 7750 gpu


Feb 17, 2015
40 pounds is the budget but can stretch if the difference is worth it maximum 50 pounds, my temps go over 85 degrees when gaming so need a good cooler as the gpu fan stops at a certian temp, in my previous thread
Which version of the Club 3d card are you running?
If your card is overheating most likely it is the thermal paste on the card or bad case airflow causing high temps.
Buying an aftermarket cooler is also not really worth the cost for a lower end card.

However these should fit your card.


If you don't live near newegg just find the same product near you.
-good luck

well, the card runs games on high settings until the stock fan just stops as it is faulty, more details in previous thread, the game runs smoothly (shadow of mordor) until temps get high so i thought better cooling would solve this, also the twin turbo 2 doesnt fit my card as i checked on their site and no compatibility, i was looking at the accelero s3 and i was going to attatch my own 120mm fan to it instead of their turbo modules.