Question Looking for Motherboard recommendation? No Video / No Audio / 1151

Feb 12, 2019
Very simply. Looking for a motherboard. Preferably ASUS or similar. This will go into a gaming machine.

No need for Video onboard or Audio as I have that already covered.

Needs M.2 slot (or 2 slots prefered)

One X16 for NVidia Video Card.

Able to handle atleast 32 Gig.

Any options out there?

Ah, sorry. Although technically inclined in other areas, hardware was never my strength, especially components.

So, as to answer your question, I am looking at something like i7-9700K or since you mentioned it; some similar strength CPU without video?

Seeing that I will be using a distinct and separate GPU card.

Hoping that it supports DDR4 at this point obviously.

Thank you for your response. I use a DAC system so would like offset audio processing to that if possible as well.


You'll definitely want a z390 motherboard to natively support your 9th gen cpu.

The cheapest ones won't run a full speed due to power delivery issues.

There is a 9700kf without video but it's more and performs no better yay Intel and silly decisions. Having onboard video is a good thing as it gives additional troubleshooting steps without having to just send everything back if it doesn't boot

No motherboard that supports a 9th gen cpu uses anything other than ddr4
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Thank you very much for the information. This is the same board that I am looking at. Now even debating getting it with the entry level i9 since that is only about $60 more than the 9700k.
