Looking for new case for future upgrading


Jul 13, 2013
My current case is to small to expand much and it just in general makes my system look unimpressive so im looking for a bigger Full tower case.

Current build: http://pcpartpicker.com/user/Apoctolistic/saved/2ked

this build works great and was very easy to build it's just the case got crammed fast, although the temp stayed low so its safe just not expandable.

my budget is around $100 would prefer less but if it is worth it and a majority recommend i will save up to $150.

if you need any more info just ask.
The coolermaster HAF 932 is the first and only full size case I have owned but I am enjoying it greatly. It's a little over your budget, I managed to pick mine up on a sale a while back on newegg so you may want to cruise over there and see if there is a nice case on sale.
The coolermaster HAF 932 is the first and only full size case I have owned but I am enjoying it greatly. It's a little over your budget, I managed to pick mine up on a sale a while back on newegg so you may want to cruise over there and see if there is a nice case on sale.

I was looking at that one for a long time and i really do like it so i might just save up the extra money. If it can last for over 5 years with constant expanding i'm sure it is worth it