Looking for Registry Cleaner tool

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Nov 12, 2005
I'm trying to re-install software on windows xp but it doesn't install because of previous entries in the registry. I therefore require a registry cleaner tool (preferably free) that will 'clean up' the registry and remove all the left-over crap from previously unistalled software that shouldn't be there.

I just finished testing five of them today.

My first choice - RegSupreme Pro. Only $17; you own it for life.

Tremendous cleaner with normal & aggressive settings AND documentation. Enthusiastic thumbs up.
Ok thanks, if I need it, I'll get it definitely - anything to have broadband internet working again on new pc! (long story)

not sure what $17 converts into english pounds (could hazard a guess if it is just a straight-forward conversion)

As u are looking for registry cleaner tool..in recent time i m also looking for it..by surfing on net i tried

upto 3 to 4 softwares ...i;e

Registry Mechanic
Registry Booster
Registry Cleaner
Ace Utilities

As all works fine ...but i can suggest "Registry Cleaner" of Systweak.. its new and works well..It cleans and
optimize registries..it increases my PC performance & smoothen speed..!!
With a single shot u can get rid of ur registries problems..

Definitely helps u try it..!!


I had encountered some similar issues like this on the net and some of these are resolved by using third party tools
Try to download a latest tools of team Paretologic called pc health advisor it is safe and free for cleaning the Windows registry and defragging.
I'm sure this is the tools you need.
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