Looking for silent PSU for low power system


Apr 13, 2014
I have a system that has no fans except for the ones in my PSU. It's started to get a bit noisier and there's kinda a bit of rattling that's started from the fan. I live in India so I thought it might be the dust or something of the kind but I checked it out and haven't found any source for the noise. As such I've decided I'll just buy one now instead of waiting till later since, my dad is coming soon to India soon and can bring me a PSU. I'm looking for something that's 200 Watts or higher at the very least since it's a low power system with passive cooling and a ~65 watt CPU. 300 watts or higher is even better since I could potentially reuse it for another build in the future that has a GPU. I'm looking for something preferably silent and less than 50$. Thanks.

Yep, he's bringing it from the US. I have an AMD Phenom 705e and no GPU. The reason I said 200-300 watt is because the actual power usage is (I'm guessing) max like 150 Watts since other than the CPU I have no individual component that would draw more than 10 watts by itself. I just two SSD's, motherboard, and a few USB peripherals. Not planning to change any of that any time soon.

Darn, I thought that since the wattage I needed was so low I might be able to find something at a decent price. If it doesn't have to be silent but just really quiet then do you think I can find anything? The main noise I hate is coil whine.