Question Looking for software to scan PC hardware for issues


Jul 8, 2010
I have a Windows 10 64 bit Pro PC that has started acting unusually. I have scanned for security issues and have found none. I have used Malwarbytes, Bitdefender and other programs and my machine appears clean.

There were however automatic updates that recently occurred and I think those updates to Windows/Security/Drivers are the source of the problem. I built this PC a year ago and it is fast and reliable, never had a security issue or bug so this is a first.

The issue has mostly to do with lag. An enormous lag. Click on a web browser and it takes a half minute to respond. Also in trying to open MyComputer it takes a while.

I have performed a Windows memory test (because an error message in the app Handbrake that mentioned a lack of memory) and there were no issues with memory, so now Im looking for software that could check hardware performance.

Any recommendations would be appreciated, I dont know how to diagnose this.
Sorry, of course. Havent had coffee.

Windows 10 Pro v1909 Build 18363.476

System specs:
Processor : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700K CPU @ 3.70GHz

Memory : 32692MB(3000)

Mother Board : ROG STRIX Z370-E GAMING

Windows Version : Microsoft Windows 10 Pro

Installation Date : 2019-07-30

Monitor : Generic PnP Monitor

Video Adapter : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB

Mouse : USB Input Device

Keyboard : USB Input Device

Disk Drive : WDC WD6003FZBX-00K5WB0(5589GB,IDE)

Disk Drive : HGST HUS728T8TALE6L4(7452GB,IDE)
Actually I just rolled back the updated chip driver and everything seems to be fine. Which is to say the machine is stable.
Spoke too soon, I just looked at Windows problem report and errors keep accumulating for some reason.

Problem Details:
A problem with your hardware caused Windows to stop working correctly.
Problem Event Name: LiveKernelEvent
Code: 3000040
Parameter 1: 2
Parameter 2: fffff88297ef0520
Parameter 3: 1b0
Parameter 4: 0
OS version: 10_0_18363
Service Pack: 0_0
Product: 256_1
OS Version: 10.0.18363.
Locale ID: 1033

There are 400+ such errors reported. Too cryptic for me to decode. The machine seems stable to me and as a matter of fact the last thing I was going to do was to check errors confident there wouldnt be any, but they are still accumulating.

What to do?
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