Looking to buy Asus Black edition, with 2011 Processor.

Karan Swaich

Apr 12, 2014
Hey guys just a quick question, would it be advised to upgrade to a 2011 Ivy bridge processors at this time or should I wait for the new processors?

I won a few thousand dollars playing poker and want to upgrade my pc. My hardware is pretty solid right now and it gets the job done for the things i need, mostly gaming. But I like to buy the best hardware 😛 So would it be better to just get the black edition with the 4960x or should i wait for the new processors?
Haswell E is a ways off yet, if wanting to move up the Black paired with a 4960X is a great combo, for DRAM will want a 4x4GB or 4x8GB set, would look at the GSkill Ripjaws Z or Tridents, prob 1866 or 2133