the only IPS you will find for $200 or under is e-IPS (not to be confused with E-IPS) which is only 6bit and honestly not much better than the rest of the other 6bit panels.
it has a wider viewing angle then tn (but not as wide as all other IPS), has the same color accuracy as tn (and not the color accuracy most IPS is known for) and a slower response time than tn. basically its the runt of the IPS litter and most do not consider it to be in the same grouping as every single other IPS panel. basically its an economy version they built to be cheap.
good ips panels would be s-ips, p-ips, h-ips, ah-ips and would specify 16.7 million colors or more. however, such panels typically cost more than $200 (often $300+)
if you already own a monitor i would suggest getting another of the same type. buying two different monitors would mean that it is harder to color match the two screens as well as having differences in size/resolution/screen height on desk.
if you dont care about that, you might get more benefit from a 120hz however running multiple monitors you would need some pretty hefty hardware to really make use of it. either that or run at lowered settings to get your fps up high enough to make the purchase worthwhile.
just a few things i wanted to throw out there.
for the record i personally only use IPS (the good 8bit or 10bit ones). my older monitor was an 8bit s-IPS and my current screen a television uses a s-IPS panel as well.
it might seem like i'm negative on IPS above... but e-IPS is not the same as the rest of the IPS lineup yet people get excited because it says IPS in its name.
in the peripherals section you will find a monitor guide by manofchalk. you should click on that and read my posts in the guide. lots of good info.