Looking to connect a second monitor -- will this adapter work?

Justin R

Mar 17, 2014

I'm looking to hook up a second monitor to this computer. I originally had a second monitor connected through an HDMI cable, but that monitor no longer works. I have since looked for a used monitor with HDMI output, but they seemed to be quite rare and settled for a VGA.

Anyway, since the current VGA slot is taken with my first monitor, I'm looking to use an adapter that will allow a VGA monitor to connect to a HDMI port. I've seen several adapters online for this, but they range from around $30-$50. However, I came across this one on eBay at a much lower price. In addition, the feedback looks excellent. Am I missing something? Or would this work in attaching a second monitor?


Hrm...from what I see on the model through Amazon, it looks like it IS an active converter, which is what you'd need (Although the "gold plated" part of this one is certainly hooey):


But, you're right - it seems too cheap. However, at an "eff it" price like that, I might give it a whack just to find out. As usual, if something seems to good to be true, etc - but what have you got to lose? Price of a movie ticket?

Thanks for your input! Are you sure that the two are the same? I noticed the weight is the same, but was wondering if there was anything else that indicates the eBay and Amazon links are the same model/product. Like you said, I'll probably just give it a shot and see.

Nope - I can't say for sure that they're the same exact model, but that's always the risk with saving a few bucks on eBay. Sometimes sellers are helpful and include a model number, but this guy didn't - you can always contact them and ask.

Good idea, will see what I can do. Thanks again!