Looking to cut a few $


Mar 16, 2009
I'm yet another new builder. After discovering toms hardware, I am officially an addict. I've spent the last 2 weeks reading everything I could find to learn about building my own PC. Right now, my wife doesn't think I can build a PC that will be better than one I could get in a store. I'm hoping that with some of toms hardware's finest, I might be able to prove her wrong.

I plan on using the PC for gaming (although my wife will use it for nothing but facebook...)

Here's the build right now


My goal is to cut the cost to less than $1k

I'd like to eventually crossfire another 4870 once I get a few more bucks. I don't have cooler yet either, although I don't plan on overclocking until I get one.

I'll take any suggestions, thanks!!
You can save some $ on the motherboard. How soon are you planning on doing the build? This motherboard is currently out of stock, but would get you pretty close to your budget if it comes back in stock before you purchase.

GIGABYTE GA-MA790X-UD4 AM2+/AM2 AMD 790X ATX AMD Motherboard - Retail
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813128381 $114.99

This RAM has tighter timings and runs at a lower voltage for less $:

mushkin 4GB (2 x 2GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Kit Desktop Memory - Retail
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820146731 $49.99 - $10 MIR

That case is nice, but you could save a little by going to the Antec 300 if you really need to shave off a few more dollars.

Antec Three Hundred Black Steel ATX Mid Tower Computer Case - Retail
http://www.buy.com/prod/antec-three-hundred-atx-computer-case/q/loc/101/207906549.html $54.99

I would step up to a current generation HD for the best performance. This HD has more capacity, is a current model, and is faster for less money:

http://www.zipzoomfly.com/jsp/ProductDetail.jsp?ProductCode=10005615&prodlist=celebros $51.99
Thanks for the input!!

I originally chose the mobo because it came as a combo deal with the CPU. But I think I will take your advice on the RAM though.

The antec 300 case does seem to be loved by tom's hardware, everyone here seems to recommend it. I will probably take your advice there also.

What about a cooler? Do I not need one if I don't plan to OC? I read in proximon's sticky that it's not worth building your own PC if you're not going to OC. Is this true?
Well, part of it is true, people will build a pc and say they wont oc, but, over time, they decide to oc so they come back for a cooler, the cooler wouldn't hurt you at all even if you didnt oc, just would make a cooler temperature. You could get it just incase.

S1283 dark knight cooler and a thermal compound.

Now, ima go against the ram choice :) sorry shortstuff, i know your probably tired of seeing this set but,

pi black

:O, what did they do that for, raised the price back to the original. That sucks, i would complain.

Well, the mushkin set i would go for, for price but, pi blacks were at $45 bucks.

The FX boards will provide little benefit to you give the cost of the board. They are only really recommended for the highest end systems that play to run quadfire.

http://www.newegg.com/Product/ComboDealDetails.aspx?ItemList=Combo.165048 PII 940BE with a Biostar motherboard 790GX ATX $260

http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820145184 2x2GB Corsaird $25 - $20MIR Whether you OC or not this DDR2 800 will not result any type of gaming difference. Save yourself some money.

I know your looking to cut costs but you were missing these, even if your not going to OC:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835233003 Xigma CPU cooler $36 - $10MIR
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16835100007 Artic 5 compound $7
As others have said, you can safely drop the FX board. GX boards will do just as well and get you a backup GPU in the bargain.

The Corsair is not looking like a great deal right now. How about a PC P&C?

DRAM frequency and latency DOES make a difference with AMD CPUs. It's not by any means a huge deal, but for the cost I think you would be better served with these:
Why 1066? well i know it will help the oc part but, if the guy doesnt oc, whats wrong with the mushkins or even the pi black ddr2 800's..

power cooling p&c red would be my choice of pick on 750w.
Why 1066? well i know it will help the oc part but, if the guy doesnt oc, whats wrong with the mushkins or even the pi black ddr2 800's..
I'm pretty sure it won't help with overclocking your CPU in anyway. But it can increase system performance.
I am loving all the input. What about my PSU. I'm a little unsure as to whether I've made the right choice. I want something that is crossfire ready, but I'm not really sure what watt I need.
AMD says to crossife two 4870s they recommend 600W. You'll also need 4x 6pin adapters on the PSU.

I personally prefer the PC Power and Cooling brand when price and wattage is the same.

Yes it will increase performance but, it also should be more stable than ddr2 800 when doing an oc.

Yes it will increase performance but, it also should be more stable than ddr2 800 when doing an oc.
I thought with a Phenom BE chip with unlocked multipliers that since you don't have to touch the memory or the FSB to OC the CPU that memory would have no impact of stability.
I agree that the PI Black is better RAM, it's what I use in my personal build and every build I've done in the past few months. I, however, don't think it's worth the price difference at full price. The Mushkin RAM is very good RAM and will get my recommendation until they lower the PI Black RAM back down to $45 - $50 again.
I will definitely update my list with these suggestions.

Two questions. How much will it effect my gaming experience downgrading to an AMD Phenom 720BE?

And lastly, how long with this computer last me? I would like a PC that I can keep forever and just upgrade as technology advances.
This will do you good, Seeing that your using am2+ and a am3 chipset, when the time comes you can upgrade to an am3 board and ddr3 memory, then on and on. difference in your 720 be vs the 940,

you got 2.8ghz on the "720BE" so, you should oc against the 940 at 3.0 ghz. Also, if you're doing more than just pure gaming, then yes, the "940BE" quadcore would be more future proof. However, if you're just only gaming, then you might be better off with a tricore.

[quoute]How much will it effect my gaming experience downgrading to an AMD Phenom 720BE? [/quote] Not much at all right now. But the 940BE is on paper going to be about 33% faster than the 720BE. 4 cores vs 3 cores.
The quad core is more "future proof", but when is that future gonna arrive for gamers?

I think i'd drop the $150 on the x3 now and upgrade to AM3 motherboard and cpu late this year or early next year as the prices fall and the kinks are worked out.