Looking to play fallout 4 on Max settings with mods and everything in the future. This is my current setup and I'm thinking about upgrading the gpu to a 960 and perhaps my cpu as well. My motherboard is a piece and my psu is iffy let me know if all of this will work and what I should look into getting.
Asrock H61M-DGS LGA 1155 Intel H61 micro atx motherboard
GTX 660 ti cpu
Core i5 3350p@ 3.1ghz
8 gigs of basic ram
550 watt psu
128gb ssd and a 500gb hard drive
Those are my core components, just wondering if you guys know what I will need for fallout 4 on Max. Will my motherboard support a 960 or 970? Should I get the 6th gen processors?
Asrock H61M-DGS LGA 1155 Intel H61 micro atx motherboard
GTX 660 ti cpu
Core i5 3350p@ 3.1ghz
8 gigs of basic ram
550 watt psu
128gb ssd and a 500gb hard drive
Those are my core components, just wondering if you guys know what I will need for fallout 4 on Max. Will my motherboard support a 960 or 970? Should I get the 6th gen processors?