Looking to upgrade GPU


Jun 27, 2016
I bought some pc maybe 4 years ago and i have extremely out dated GPU GT 640

Im looking to upgrade but im not sure what will be best for my specs so i wont bottleneck

Here is my full specs
Intel Core i5 3350P @ 3.10GHz
8,00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 798MHz
Foxconn 2ADA (SOCKET 0)

What should be the best GPU to buy to play in 720p most of the games ?

I was looking to buy an Gtx 970 but i think it maybe bottleneck not sure
A GTX 970 is waaaaaaay overkill for 720p. Realistically you don't need anything more than a GTX 950 or 750 Ti to get awesome 720p performance. The motherboard/CPU won't be the biggest thing to consider, it's the PSU. Which model of PSU do you have, and does it have 6 or 8-pin power connectors?
A GTX 970 is waaaaaaay overkill for 720p. Realistically you don't need anything more than a GTX 950 or 750 Ti to get awesome 720p performance. The motherboard/CPU won't be the biggest thing to consider, it's the PSU. Which model of PSU do you have, and does it have 6 or 8-pin power connectors?