Looking to Upgrade My 5.1 Speakers

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Jul 16, 2013
Hey guys, just a quick question.

I have this older (technology years) Samsung HT-Z320 home theater system that came with the whole 5.1 speaker setup and receiver. Years later I'm looking to finally improve my sound from the crappy plastic speakers to something a bit more meaty. I appreciate a good sounding system, but I'm not an audiophile so I don't feel that I need to go out and separately buy speakers, sub, and receiver, so based on reviews (cnet, amazon) I've been considering this speaker set:


The receiver that came with my samsung system, although pretty basic, meets all of my needs and I'd rather not pay to replace it (all I really need is optical in and a place to plug in speakers). So my question is can I pair up newer speakers like those linked, with my old receiver? The receiver has some goofy clips for plugging in speakers that I don't see on other speakers or receivers I've been checking out. Any input would be appreciated as I know relatively nothing of home audio.

Never mind, question answered on hometheaterforum.com by schan1269. In case anyone has the same question as me...

"No you can not use any other speakers with that HTiB. There is no way to connect a different sub either(there is no way to go from speaker terminal to RCA jack). Even a basic AVR can be had under $150. Accessories4less has(had?) A Denon for $100 + shipping. No more than $400... "
Thanks for the update, sorry for your bad news...

I am not sure how true this statement is though as RCA plugs can be easily added/removed from cables... and the speaker terminals referred to are just for bare wires are they not ?

"There is no way to connect a different sub either(there is no way to go from speaker terminal to RCA jack)"

unless I am missing something else...

Sorry for the delayed response. But that's great news! Any idea on where I could find a tutorial for this?
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