Looking to upgrade my AMD Radeon 6800


Jun 20, 2012
Most likely looking in the price range of a GTX 1060. I've been looking through the different 1060s, but I honestly don't know the difference between each model. Not really looking to go over $250, so most probably going to have to be a 3gb. Just curious which model is best, and all opinions on different cards.

-The one card ive kinda had my eye on, but I really don't know what im looking for lol

One other thing, I mainly use my pc for gaming, not sure if that ll make a difference
Now it is the worts time to upgrade your gpu due to the cryptocurrency craze (mid-to-high end gpu prices skyrocketed). Most affected gpus are: RX 570/580 470/480, gtx 1060 6gb, gtx 1070. I don't recommend getting a 3gb gtx 1060 since the difference between a 6gb and 3gb is not only vram and clock speed, but also CUDA cores. 3gb of Vram is really not enough for todays games and will cripple performance (sometimes even a weaker gtx 1050 ti 4gb surpasses a gtx 1060 3gb). Wait untill prices stabilis. A good implementation of a gtx 1060 6gb should be around 250USD. Maybe you can find an RX 570/580 8gb for a good price if you are lucky (near MSRP).
The 3GB vs. 6GB 1060s are two different GPUs. They are not just one with 3GB VRAM and another with 6GB. Nvidia cut the Cuda cores on the 3GB card. Effectively they should have named them the 1060 and 1060Ti respectively.

In any event, you can find a $270 6GB 1060 if you know where to look. Well worth it.
The 1050ti is as powerful as the old 7950 so anyone you want is a upgrade. The 1060 6GB is 10% faster than the 1060 3GB. The 1060 3GB has issues in some games droping in performance down to the 1050ti. Get the 1060 6GB if you can.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB GAMING Video Card ($269.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $269.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-30 17:16 EDT-0400


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1060 3GB 3GB Windforce OC Video Card ($224.98 @ Newegg)
Total: $224.98
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-30 17:18 EDT-0400


PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: EVGA - GeForce GTX 1050 Ti 4GB ACX 2.0 Video Card ($144.99 @ Amazon)
Total: $144.99
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2017-07-30 17:18 EDT-0400

When people start realizing they missed their opportunity to make easy money on Ethereum. Its price has essentially stabilized over the past month meaning it has hit its peak in value soaring percentage. I'd say in the next two months when reality hits the wannabe miners, things will return to sanity.

Also keep in mind that in six months we will be looking at Volta and Vega GPUs (Nvidia's GTX 2xxx and AMD's 6xx series). But a $270 6GB 1060 is a good bargain. Where the real bad deal is is on AMD 570s and 580s as well as the GTX 1070. Those are going for $150+ over their original MSRP - IF you can even find them in stock.

About 2 months ago this card was going for only $229 and the 3GB version was around $199. For $269 you could have got a dual fan highest end version at the start of summer.
I tell ya what, since we're this far into it. I really need to just update my entire pc, build a new pc at that. i5 2500k still viable? is it worth me upgrading my graphics card while im still rocking the i5
I still run my i5 2500K that I've had for six years as a backup gaming rig. It is fine and only within about 10% difference in gaming performance with today's Kaby Lake i5 7600K clock for clock. And that's at 1080p. At 1440p the margin is practically non-existent.

The difference is more than 10% clock per clock especially considering other applications besides gaming but I generally agree with you.