Looking to upgrade my card soon.


I tried GPU OC once, but it never really worked so well. It can also completely screw up your system.

EDIT: You might not want to go with a GPU too fast with that processor, a very powerful GPU will be bottle necked by that processor, so I would say nothing faster than 750TI.

750TI will be the fastest of those, I think if you went the 660 route I would pay the extra cash for the 660TI. For your information, I use a GTX 460 768MB and can play Tribes Ascend and War Thunder at the complete maximum graphics settings with no lag.

I tried GPU OC once, but it never really worked so well. It can also completely screw up your system.

EDIT: You might not want to go with a GPU too fast with that processor, a very powerful GPU will be bottle necked by that processor, so I would say nothing faster than 750TI.

Haha, indeed it will, and the 7750 is technically only slightly slower than my GTX460, and as soon as it will not play games at ultimate I will use it as a dedicated PHysx processor for something like a 660TI or 590.

Remember, his processor is a FX 4100. Would hate to have a bottleneck.

See my CPU-Z validation. No bottleneck there.

Besides, that's why there is Mantle.


Your CPU is only a wee bit overclocked.