Looking to upgrade my processor


Oct 6, 2014
I would like to upgrade my processor but I'm unsure of what's compatible.

Operating System
Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300 @ 2.50GHz 52 °C
Yorkfield 45nm Technology
8.00GB Dual-Channel DDR3 @ 533MHz (7-7-7-20)
FOXCONN G41MXE/G41MXE-K (Socket775) 40 °C
HP w1907 (1440x900@60Hz)
4095MB NVIDIA GeForce GT 630 (MSI) 30 °C
465GB Western Digital WDC WD5000AADS-00S9B0 ATA Device (SATA) 26 °C
Optical Drives
DTSOFT Virtual CdRom Device
High Definition Audio Device
I'm thinking that i would upgrade to this Core™2 QUAD 3.0GHz but I'm not sure it will be compatible.

to be quite honest, as far as overall performance, your q8300 is only slightly slower than a sandy bridge i3-2100, which is not noticeably slower than a newest gen haswell i3-4130. there are a few instruction sets that would allow the i3's to speed ahead, but in gaming its hot that huge of a difference. for the kind of gaming that your trying to do, i dont see any potential bottlenecks from the lower tier mid range cards that are available now. i would say just get an nvidia gtx 750 ti on a good deal which can be found fairly cheap and will more that supply the horsepower you need for the games your going for.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video...
What's your budget?

If you upgrade the CPUS, then there is a high chance that the current motherboard's socket will not support the new one. So you will need to change that.

And also be sure that the motherboard supports the RAMS you currently have. Which is DDR3 and the speed.

Be sure that there is a PCI Express x16 port for the graphic card.

Be sure to find a CPU that doesn't bottlenck the graphic card so your system will be able to run smoothly in games.

Note: I will reply tomorrow as it is late down under. So I wouldn't ignore this thread. 😉
I found that processor for about £130 on Amazon which I'm willing to pay I just don't know if its worth it for the overall performance increase.

its a Q9650 Core 2 Quad Processor - 3.00 GHz,12MB Cache,1333MHz

I bought the RAM after using the crucial memory scanner so i think its okay.

I installed the graphics card and it gave the windows experience index a minor minor boost but I expected more. The old one was nvidia gt240 sddr3 1gb.

The stats for the mother board are on this link http://www.foxconnchannel.com/ProductDetail.aspx?T=motherboard&U=en-us0000483

This is really just so i can play Sims 3, civ 4/5 at high level and Wow when the next expansion comes out.

So far I have went from 32 bit windows to 64 bit so i could bump the RAM from 3gb to the full 8gb I replaced the graphics card i will probably replace the whole unit some time next year but i wanted upgrade in the mean time.

I use speccy so if you need any stats for the rig just tell me what you need.

Thanks for the replies so far.
Even the best LGA 775 socket CPU isn't going to give you a very noticeable improvement and I can't think of any motherboard and CPU combo for 130 pounds that will, so in my oppinion you're better off save up another 130 pounds and upgrading properly.
Thanks Byza the problem i have is that if i upgrade the mother board and CPU I'm going to get something newer so i will have to buy everything new graphics card, modern Ram and a better hard drive i was just looking to give the system a little bump so i can play games that came out in the last couple of years and not have to run on minimum specs.

I am taking on board what you are saying though if you and Joeteoh99 say its a waste of time i will just dump the cash in the new desktop fund.
to be quite honest, as far as overall performance, your q8300 is only slightly slower than a sandy bridge i3-2100, which is not noticeably slower than a newest gen haswell i3-4130. there are a few instruction sets that would allow the i3's to speed ahead, but in gaming its hot that huge of a difference. for the kind of gaming that your trying to do, i dont see any potential bottlenecks from the lower tier mid range cards that are available now. i would say just get an nvidia gtx 750 ti on a good deal which can be found fairly cheap and will more that supply the horsepower you need for the games your going for.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card (£100.50 @ Scan.co.uk)
Total: £100.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2014-10-07 08:31 BST+0100