Looking to Upgrade please advise


Jul 7, 2006

I looking to upgrade my MOBO/ CPU. I currently have an ASUS P5AD2 Premium (going from memory here on the model) and a 3.4 ghz Intel CPU and one gig of RAM, Corsair DDR 400 XMS. Video card is an 850XT.

I've never been one to be on the bleeding edge, so I'm not going to even consider an Intel Duo 2 Processor. Too exopensive for me. I figure I'll drop $300 to $500 US for this.

I'd like to use the RAM I've got, and most likely add another Gig.

I use my machine to play a few games, BF2, Civ 4 and to burn DVD's of home movies.

I'm thinking an AMD processor. Which one offers the best upgrade path? What about a MOBO? Any suggestions would be appreciated
If you dont want "bleeding" edge...then just get yourself an extra gig of ram, and maybe a better GPU. That should tide you over just fine.

I've already considered that. However it takes hours to burn a DVD. I've heard a dual-core processor can speed that process up. I was thinking of an AM2.

However, there are so many CPU choices out there I don't know which one to pick. I was thinking of dropping about $250 for a CPU.

Thanks for the reply.
If you're planning on dropping $250 on a CPU, I would get the least expensive Core 2 Duo, the E6300. -- $193


Motherboard. -- Gigabyte GA-965P-S3. -- $97 Nothing fancy like SLI.


I know you wanted to keep your memory but I would ditch it for some DDR2 533 (PC4200 sticks): -- $135


So, $193 + $97 + $135 = $425

This is under your $500 budget and it gets you C2D with upgradability for the future.
Get an Athlon 64 x2 4200 from NewEgg for $187. Then get the Asus $65 mobo from TigerDirect (cuz NewEgg doesn't have one). It has 4 slots for your DDR 400 RAM, and an AGP slot. (No PCI-E) I don't know what your video model is exactly but judging by the comp age Im assuming its AGP.
They are currently making still some nice AGP cards to upgrade to.

Athlon64 x2 4200 = $187
Motherboard = $65
Using ur same ram
$252 total. You still got $250 to play around with for a new graphics card and another gig of RAM if you wanted. This is the best bang for your buck if you asked me.

*Edit* OK I can't find the board on TigerDirect to link it. Maybe they stopped selling it. Well anyway...same idea though. Find a board that uses the same RAM speed so you don't have to buy new RAM. Then choose between AGP or PCI-E slot (depending on which video card) You should be able to get a big upgrade under $500

I have a PCI-E GPU. It's the ATI 850 XT. I know its not the best, but hey, I can live with it. My DVD Burner is an NEC. I don't remember the model #. I've had this system for about two years now. I upgraded the GPU from an ATI All In Wonder.

So, it looks like the best route is another gig of RAM, an AMD AM2 processor and a new motherboard. Maybe a better DVD burner. Any other suggestions on a DVD burner?

I'll move toward an Intel Dual Core or whatever AMD comes out with to trump that in a year or two. By then I can turn over this machine to my 10-year-old and buy a whole new spanking system for myself.

Thanks for the help!
Duh. Why didn't I think of that.


Upgrade your DVD burner first if burning movies is your current concern. Then I would worry about the other components.

Since your X850XT is PCI-Express, I stand by my recommendation in getting the E6300 and other components as mentioned above.

The cheapest DDR 3200 memory is 85 bucks, if you add this to the AMD 4200 and motherboard mentioned above, you'd be spending $337.

For another $83 dollars you wouldn't be buying old technology and have a lot of room to grow.