Looking to upgrade the iBUYPOWER Black Gamer Power WA550B


Feb 9, 2016
A while back I purchased this gaming pc from Walmart and now I'm looking to upgrade it. I'm fairly new to the idea of pc building and upgrading so please ELI5. I want to run more modern games at high settings at a stable frame rate.

That PC uses a conventional mini tower case with a bottom mount PSU, so upgrading it should not be hard. They sold several versions of that model, so list what specs yours has.
CPU, GPU, PSU, etc. I believe the first thing you'll want to do is replace the PSU, but I won't know until I have an idea of what it came with. If you can post a picture of the inside with the side panel removed, all the better.

Btw, I know I'm old, but I had to look up ELI5...lol.

Alright, here is a photo

And here is the full spec list:

Chassis Raidmax Horus
Chassis Dimensions 19.5” x 8.1” x 18.5”
Processor AMD FX-4300 Zambezi (3.8GHz/4.0GHz Turbo, 4MB L2 Cache) Quad Core
Processor Socket AM3+
Motherboard AMD 760G
Graphics Card NVIDIA GeForce GT 730
Video Memory 2GB
Power Supply 350 Watt - ATX

Also has Windows 10 and 8gbs of ram
Yeah, that PSU will have to go if you want to upgrade beyond the GTX 750 Ti ( http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007709%204814%20600487565%20600007787%20600007782 )

The FX-4300 can be upgraded too, but it will depend on the exact model of m/b you have. AMD 760G is simply the chipset.
But I would say that as it sits right now, a new PSU (500W - 600W) will run any card that the FX-4300 can keep up with w/o major bottleneck: http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&N=100007657%2050001516%2050001402%2050001697%2050001669%2050002177%20600014066%20600014068%20600014070%20600014072%20600014075%20600014077%204814%20600014078%20&IsNodeId=1

Once the PSU has been upgraded, you can go with a GTX 950 or even a GTX 960 http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007709%20600582123%20600537575
...or an AMD 380 http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?Submit=ENE&IsNodeId=1&N=100007709%20600565502
...for best performance from your current CPU.

Thanks for the reply! Here is the newegg link that I have to my m/b http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813130722
Good. Here's the website for that board: https://us.msi.com/product/motherboard/760GMA-P34-FX.html#hero-overview
The board accepts up to the FX-8350/8370 with the same BIOS you have now (7641vP0)

But it looks like iBuypower put an aftermarket cooler on the board. I wonder if the AMD retention brackets have been removed. Or if that is a proprietary version of the 760GMA-P34 (FX)? The cooler is mounted with bolts thru the board. Not like retail AMD boards. No problem unless you wanted to replace the cooler with something for OC'ing.
I acutally purchased this computer also and so far have upgraded a few things.

I changed the PSU to an EVGA SuperNOVA 750w
I changed the GPU to Sapphire NITRO R9 380
I added 8gb of RAM(Corsair Ballistix)

But, based on other people's experiences with this GPU, I feel as if the GPU is being bottlenecked by the CPU. I dont know what CPU to buy, however. Can anyone help?

Would you like more photos? Not sure what all these parts are though.