Looking to upgrade to a 980,will this build be fine?


Apr 10, 2015
Hey guys,I was looking to upgrade my r9 280 after I had to turn settings to low on AC black flag and dying light to even get a solid 40fps,I was thinking of getting a GTX 980,this one


This is the rest of my build,do I need to change anything to run this,such as the PSU?

CPU - i5-4460
CPU cooler - CM EVO 212
RAM - 8GB Corsair vengeance
PSU - Corsair CXM 600 Modular 80+ bronze
HDD - 1TB Western digital
Mobo - Gigabyte Z97P-D3
Case - Zalman z9 Plus

great choice on the gpu.
you can check the gtx 970 or a r9 390 . they are a lot less but perform the same(when oced)

btw i have a r9 270x and play ac blag flag at 40+ fps ultra

How the hell do you do that? I play at 1080p with all the settings on low to get 45-55.Although i am recording at 1080p
Anyway I dont like to OC things so I will still be getting a 980,but will the PSU be enough to handle it?

Alright thanks,that what i was hoping to hear :)