Looking to upgrade

For your system, unless you want upgrade mobo too. The options are an I7 7700 with a GTX 1070/TI/1080 whichever you can afford. That's a pretty rocking gaming machine, even considering Coffee Lake.

You may not hit 144hz/fps consistently with that combo for BF1/V, bit for nearly every other game you will push close. You can dial back settings here and there to maintain the steady FPS. Things like post processing, AA/AF, motion blur. These things hog FPS output, so dialling them back or turning them off can give you 144hz/fps, game dependant.
what's the reason for the upgrade. Are you experiencing issues? What res are you playing at?

For modern games at 1080p 60hz, the RX480 is perfect. If you are experiencing stutters while gaming (at that res) it's more likely a CPU issue, as the i5 6500 in it's day was great, but now it's getting maxed out in AAA CPU demanding games. This causes stuttering.

If that's the case and you upgrade the GPU, you are most likely going to experience similar issues.

I have a 1080p 144hz monitor. Will getting a i5 7600 be a better good option to upgarde
For triple A titles, my recommendation would be to update your bios with your existing processor and upgrade the CPU to an i7 7700k. You can get another year out of the RX 480 and it has a lot of VRAM. This way when you do a GPU upgrade in the future you'll already have a great processor to pair with your future graphics card. If you upgrade to anything higher than a gtx 1070, you'll have to purchase a 1440p monitor or higher to make full use of the graphics card. Running a gtx 1070 or higher on a 1080p panel will be wasted performance.

Whats the point of getting a unlock CPU when my motherbaord cant overclock?

Good catch. Change the upgrade to a locked i7 7700 and read my edit on my last post.

If he wants to game at 1080p with a 144htz monitor, how is a 1070 overkill? A 1080 won't even achieve 144fps in all games at 1080p. Would 1440p be a possibility? Yes, but maybe he likes 1080p and,would rather have more FPS. The 480 won't achive that, neither will upgrading his CPU.

agree completely!

it's not about the 400mhz, it's about more CPU resources. The i5 is maxing out, specially in BF1 and more so for BF V. The 4c/8t 7700 is a good option for 1080p, and will give a much smoother experience than the 7600.

It's not all about clockspeed anymore when it comes to gaming. Although for the extra last few FPS, higher clocks count. But higher FPS means nothing if your game is stuttering with a 4c/4t CPU. Doesn't matte about clockspeed then.

For some games the RX480 will hit 144hz/fps. Not for AAA games. So i'd agree he needs a fast GPU ALONG with a faster CPU with more resources to achieve that in BF1/V. But even a GTX1080 at 1080p 144hs struggles to maintain 144hz/FPS

So should i get a I7 7700k and a GTX 1070 ti?
For your system, unless you want upgrade mobo too. The options are an I7 7700 with a GTX 1070/TI/1080 whichever you can afford. That's a pretty rocking gaming machine, even considering Coffee Lake.

You may not hit 144hz/fps consistently with that combo for BF1/V, bit for nearly every other game you will push close. You can dial back settings here and there to maintain the steady FPS. Things like post processing, AA/AF, motion blur. These things hog FPS output, so dialling them back or turning them off can give you 144hz/fps, game dependant.