Question Loose Display Port Cables and different connectors lengths?

kmd subs

Feb 29, 2016

I'm running into an issue with my new monitor (LG 34GN850-B 34 ) and before going through the refund/replacement process, I thought I'd reach out and see if anyone can help. (I should mention this post is in not reference to the length of the cable, but the gold/silver connector that plugs into the display port jack itself).

I have tried connecting three different display port cables. Two of them were 10 feet, the other one was short, like 4-6 feet. For these three, I get "no signal" message, and my computer won't display. But the power is connected, as I can still use the joystick power button and adjust monitor settings. For each of these three cables, the connection inside the Display Port jack in the back on the monitor is VERY loose (but sits fine in my graphics card). I mean, it's so loose that, it doesn't feel connected all the way and the cables fall out with with very little effort. And even when I tried holding the cable in place, as far as it goes in, it still doesn't work.

That said, I do have one cable that DOES work. The cable that does work, it's another 4-6 foot cable, but what I think is the biggest difference is the length of the actual connector that goes into the display port. It's just slightly longer than the other three and doesn't feel as loose when connected, and so far I have no issues using my computer with it. (Knock on wood, this one doesn't crap out on me).

My question is, has anyone run into an issue like this where some cables are very loose, some aren't, with different length connectors? Any solution? Are different connector lengths even a thing? Or did I just get lucky having one with a length that actually works? My goal was to replace the 4-6 foot cable with the 10 foot so that I can have better cable management, but now I don't know if I should keep looking for a new cable that shares the same length as the one that works, or just refund the monitor.

Any insight is appreciated.


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Well, I had similar problem with my AOC monitor except it was with power cable. The one supplied with monitor was so loose that it would just fall out of socket. Fortunately it was standard one and I have plenty of them so used different one and no problem. In your case this seems to be QC fail to notice that DP port size is not exactly to the specs. There are no real solutions here - you either return the monitor or find cables that fit with hit and miss method.
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Are we talking about the monitor connection or that on the GPU. Obviously connectors need to be placed all the way in to work. Gold/silver has nothing to do with anything except extracting money from your wallet.
I'm talking about the monitor connection ... The three cables that don't work all sit fine connected to the GPU. It's the just the connection to the monitor that is very loose to the point of (probably) not being connect all the way. Also, I did forgot to mention that one of the cables does have a locking mechanism. It does lock when connected to the gpu, but doesn't lock when connected to the monitor. It easily falls out like the other two that don't have one.

I was just hoping someone else might have had a similar situation and some insight or a possible solution. More and more, I'm thinking I might need to return, as I don't want a bad port to crap out of me after a year, and have no recourse. Frustrating!

I'm talking about the monitor connection ... The three cables that don't work all sit fine connected to the GPU. It's the just the connection to the monitor that is very loose to the point of (probably) not being connect all the way. Also, I did forgot to mention that one of the cables does have a locking mechanism. It does lock when connected to the gpu, but doesn't lock when connected to the monitor. It easily falls out like the other two that don't have one.

I was just hoping someone else might have had a similar situation and some insight or a possible solution. More and more, I'm thinking I might need to return, as I don't want a bad port to crap out of me after a year, and have no recourse. Frustrating!

Yep I would return
Well, I had similar problem with my AOC monitor except it was with power cable. The one supplied with monitor was so loose that it would just fall out of socket. Fortunately it was standard one and I have plenty of them so used different one and no problem. In your case this seems to be QC fail to notice that DP port size is not exactly to the specs. There are no real solutions here - you either return the monitor or find cables that fit with hit and miss method.

Yep, I had this happen too, with a Dell work monitor... funny thing was that when I tried to show/explain it to the IT guys, they all looked at me with "deer in the headlights" glaring disdain and tried to give me another identical power cord, which I politely refused and just got one from my parts cabinet that I knew had the slightly longer plug on it, problem solved....

I noted that the monitor in question had been previously used by someone else & was about 2 years old judging from the model # search I did later at home... fortunately (for me) it died an early death and IT swapped it out with a brand new 32" Sammy S80A and it did not have this issue, since the power cord that came with it was the longer variety....
Thanks all, I'm going to return it. It's a frustrating experience to be sure, but I'd rather return it now while I have the chance, than have this hanging over my head and hope nothing craps out or to find cables that actually work.