Losing internet connection during large downloads, need help!

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Feb 15, 2011
Hey guys!
For a while I have been getting an odd problem, when I am downloading a large file, usually a steam game, the internet connection drops across my whole house, and then comes back up within a minute or two. This is very annoying when i am trying to download a game and do something else. Now this isn't an ISP problem, the internet light is always on for that. But the router seems like it might be the problem. I have a linksys e2000. Is there anything I can do to prevent this annoying intermittent connection during heavy use?


If your problem still persists then i'll save you a HUGE headache (one that I've had for over 2 weeks now and just solved).

Its a Stupid Problem.

Start > Control Panel > Network Connections > Right Click Your Network and Choose Properties > Advanced Tab >

Now Just Make SURE both boxes under Internet Connection Sharing are NOT Checked. (if the one on the bottom is, check the one on the top then uncheck the bottom, then uncheck the top)

This should solve your problem.


fixed it for me, ty so much. i am relatively experienced and still overlooked this.

I found it on Windows 10(should be the same for Win 7).


- Control Panel
- Network and Internet
- Network and Sharing Center
- Change Adapter Settings
- Right click your connection and select Properties
- There are two tabs: "Networking" and "Sharing"
- Go to the Sharing Tab
- In my computer I saw the "Allow other network users to control or disable..." ticket but couldn't undo it therefor I did what user ethantokes recommended, tick the first one, undo the other one and voilá, it was done.

Hope it helps.

so, ive had this problem for 2 months, or atleast a similar problem, whenever i had large downloads, not 100% of the time, my internet would simply cut off, i couldnt even reach a webpage and would have to rejoin the network to gain internet again, however if i continued to download i would lose it instantly

in my network devices i had my wireless adapter, aswell as killere2200 gigabit ethernet controllor, i selected them both after disabling any sharing they had and bridged the connections by right clicking, worked instantly, i hope i help som1!

The solution seems to work. Struggled with this for 3 years at least, finally resolved.
Can you explain why this solves the problem?

Yea i'm curious to what the actual issue was.
Hi there, I share your frustrations and was having the same problem using my WNDA3100 wifi adapter. I've been round all the internet forums and blamed everything from USB drivers to adapter drivers to power settings and sharing settings!....

Don't despair because I think I have another option for you.

Check your steam download settings (Right click your steam icon and go to settings)
Go to Downloads
You may well have a tick in the box next to "Throttle downloads while streaming" because it's there by default

I removed this effectively telling the app to have unlimited access to my bandwidth. It's downloading a 10GB game file now and touch wood, hasn't dropped yet.

Hope this helps.
This thread is kinda old but i found this on Google and this problem still persists for me. The current answer fixes the issue for the moment but it comes back however it only occurs during the first few megabytes of my download then goes away. Still wish the original answerer can see this and say the issue since i can't find any other solutions online or from my provider.

Thanks! It worked for me.

I'm having the same origional problem. I've got Time Warner Cable (Spectrum) with a Dell Sonicwall. The thing is I'm hardwired and the 'sharing' tab isn't there.


If the picture I posted didn't work

Some isp, like mine, will cut you speeds when downloading medium or larger files. Mine cuts by more than half. It will start at 12-16 Mbps than drop after about 45 seconds to 1-3 Mbps. It sucks, I've called my isp and they confirmed they do it and that I'm basically SOL because they advertise their speeds as "up to..."

Yeah but they slow it down not drop it temporarily. And I know at least for me (I have this problem too) once it comes back I still get full speed (I have a buisness connection)

Yeah but they slow it down not drop it temporarily. And I know at least for me (I have this problem too) once it comes back I still get full speed (I have a buisness connection)

So I had the same problem with steam downloads and I tried a lot of things and neither of them seemed to work. Then I tried cleaning the download cache ( Steam > Settings > Downloads ) and then it just worked as intended.

Hope this helps someone.
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