Losing internet connectivity when my door is open


Feb 5, 2016
Hello all,

so here is my problem, i play a lot of games, and sometimes my ping just goes crazy. After this happend a lot i saw that the problem was caused by the open house door. My router is about 1 meter from my house door, and when it is open my internet is like running away... I have no idea how this is possible, i have my pc connected with ethernet to the router.

Does someone know how to fix this? It's annoying when i playing Battlefield and someone comes home, he opens the door and i'm kicked from the server for too high ping...

If you need more info let me know.

Hey, this might sound irrelevant, but what is the door made of?
If there is any sort of wiring in the walls that passes around the door, depending on what kind it is, it could be messing with electrical (internet) communication.

This from hearsay from one of my coworkers, but routers can take a hit in performance wirelessly if other people are using a router that runs off the wireless band. The science behind it is that the electromagnetic waves cancelling each other out as they meet(or something). Maybe your router takes this performance hit when the door opens, letting in the outside EM waves, and tries to reallocate resources to the wireless, leaving you with a spike in ping?

I would try turning off the wireless just for science's sake.

Hi, i'm not sure what it is, but I think it's a kind of plastic, with windows and some metal security in it. I dont know if there are any wires around the door, but i don't think there are any. I only know there are some wires close to the door, but not right under or on the side.
This from hearsay from one of my coworkers, but routers can take a hit in performance wirelessly if other people are using a router that runs off the wireless band. The science behind it is that the electromagnetic waves cancelling each other out as they meet(or something). Maybe your router takes this performance hit when the door opens, letting in the outside EM waves, and tries to reallocate resources to the wireless, leaving you with a spike in ping?

I would try turning off the wireless just for science's sake.

This could be an issue in bigger situations, but it wouldn't be a problem here. In order for resources to be reallocated, there would need to be a sort of monitoring program/system to allow/hinder traffic in one area or the other. I doubt he has a setup like that though. Routers will service whatever information they get, when they get it (given that they aren't being overloaded).

But you can try anything once, for science's sake. 😛

Hi, i'm not sure what it is, but I think it's a kind of plastic, with windows and some metal security in it. I dont know if there are any wires around the door, but i don't think there are any. I only know there are some wires close to the door, but not right under or on the side.

I'd say it's not the door then. It would have to be a solid metal door of some sort to cause a problem.
As for finding the issue though..
Open a command prompt and type
ping -t google.com
It will keep pinging google while you look into some things. What you want to watch is the "time=###ms" on each new line.
Reply from bytes=32 time=17ms TTL=45

Go to the door and open it and see if that time number gets bigger. If it does, then the door is definitely causing some sort of disturbance. (but probably not in the same way I mentioned earlier)

You could also see if maybe the door opening is causing vibrations and maybe wiggling the ethernet cable in your computer. If that is happening, you could have a finicky cable. Or it could range to a finicky NIC, as well. But let's not jump to conclusions.

Hi, do you mean to turn of the wifi in the router, open the door, and check on my pc with ethernet connection if I still get the problem? Because I actually never checked if I get the problem with a wireless connection now I think of it.. But even if that will fix the problem, i can't use that because there are people in my house using wifi.

*update, i did that -t google.com, opened the door for a good 5 seconds, nothing happend, everything was like before.

Yeah try turning off the router's wifi. I know that is not real a solution, but at least you can cross one thing off if it isn't, and if it is you can try moving the router. If that isn't an option then at least you won't be pulling your hair out wondering what it could be.

Then it's probably not the door that's actually causing it. Although unlikely, it's possible that it's just coincidental that the door was open when you were having issues.

Just for some general information, are you running windows? If so, which version?

Also, did you try wiggling your ethernet cord?