Question Lost my original desktop setup


Mar 20, 2013
Hey guys, I just turned on my pc and now seeing a new windows desktop. I saw something was up immediately when turning on the pc, the icon was a lot bigger showing this:

and when the desktop loaded it immediately showed a new Microsoft Edge setup screen.

I restarted the pc but same deal. I didn't notice any option to bypass that MS Edge setup so I had to complete it. Then I saw the Windows desktop but my folders is now missing and when I open Chrome, I am not seeing the different chrome 'Profiles' I had all this time.

So it's like a new windows setup, anything I can do to get back my pc as I had it before this please?
This will happen when a user's profile has become corrupted, Windows will create a new temporary profile (New one on every boot). When this happens you have no choice but to delete the old profile and let Windows create a fresh one.
Thanks, I am trying but I am not see these options, maybe they might be outdated? What I am gathering is I should select "Local Account" instead of Microsoft Account option, is this correct please?

1. Press Windows + R keys to open the "Run" window;
2. Copy and paste the command


and press ok;

3. Click on the "Add" option;
4. Select the option "Do not sign in to a Microsoft account";
5. Choose a name and password for this profile and then proceed;
6. After the new profile is created, go back to the "User Accounts" screen, click on your user and then on "Properties". Select the "Group Membership" tab;
7. Mark the profile as Administrator and click on Ok;
8. Login with the new account;