Loud internal HDD


Jan 2, 2018
Hey. I'm tired of my HDD making more noise than my gpu, cpu cooler etc. Whats the best way to silence it (right now I cant afford a 1tb ssd). Would an external like this do the job silent: https://www.komplett.no/product/845950/datautstyr/lagring/harddiskerssd/harddisk-ekstern/seagate-expansion-portable-1tb?offerId=KOMPLETT-310-845950# or would it be the exact same?
I wouldn't recommend using a USB hard drive for your data. I have the same problem with my WD Blue and the only solution I have is rubber stand offs to reduce the vibrations + a better case with sound dampening material on the inside
External hard drives for data + data backups is fine, just as long as you don't assume that one is enough - - it isn't.

I've been using three WD externals (one for data, other two for backups of same data) for 7 years with no issues at all and they are still working & healthy. When one external fails I will replace it immediately to maintain my existing backup strategy.