Low 3dmark2001 score on win2k

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Ok this is the first time posting here. I hope you guys can help me.

I've installed win2k on a seperate partion to double boot with win98.

Now I ran 3dmarks on win98 and got 2535 score not to bad.

Now when I run it on win2k same hardware I get a score between 768 - 975.

I've did some research and found that I needed to install some patches and updates for AGP, Promise controller, and I also tweak win 2k performanced turning off features I didnt need like IIs, Index services. I'm wanted to use this system strickly for online gaming, Q3, UT etc.

Now here's my specs and what patches and or updates I added:

Win2k SP1

Mobo: Asus A7V133

Ram: 256 pc 133

Athlon 1gig

Hercules Gforce 2 mx 32 meg


BIOS updated from avu1002 - avu1004

4 in 1 drivers 4.24 - 4.29

added-latest Microsoft ATA 100 hotfix

added-latest AMD windows 2000 AGP Patch

Now I've tried nvidia drivers from Hercules website 7.52

Nvidia reference Drivers 6.50

I've even used driver 10.80

Now there's only one strange thing When I run Quake Timedemo 1 I get higher frames rate then on win98

Win98 62.2 at 1078 x 768 all options at max

Win2k 69.6 same as above

And when I run 3dmarks 2000 I can get a score of:

3000 on win2k

4800 on win98

To be honest I dont have a clue whats the problem thats why posted this. HELP!

Oh yeah I'm not over clocking Vid or cpu.

Hmmm not sure what is wrong with it. I ran on Windows 2000 and got 1414 using the ol' Matrox and I thought that was low... I really have no idea what's wrong. I don't think Windows 2000 is suitable gaming anyway :tongue:

This site is cool.
I think that score is about right for your system. 2001 scores are much lower than 2000 scores.

Please visit <b><A HREF="http://www.ncix.com/shop/index.cfm?affiliateid=319048" target="_new">http://www.ncix.com/shop/index.cfm?affiliateid=319048</A></b>
More than half, to be exact. Depending on the features as well. Mine went from 3021 to 1414

This site is cool.<P ID="edit"><FONT SIZE=-1><EM>Edited by machow on 04/08/01 12:42 PM.</EM></FONT></P>
Quite a drop... I went from ~4400 to ~2100. (even with my video card slightly overclocked)

Please visit <b><A HREF="http://netcomp.cjb.net" target="_new">http://netcomp.cjb.net</A></b>
Ok I found out my problem, and I'll post what I needed to be done.

First I reinstalled win2k pro, and then I upgraded to 4 in 1 drivers ver 4.29, and then I added the AGP patch ver. 4.04.

I'm currently using the nvidia ref. drivers 6.50, and now my frame rates and 3d marks scores are closer to win98 at: 2146, compared to what i was getting at around 700-900.

What I did wrong well I added to many patches and in the process screwed up my computer, so I descided to start over from scratch and there u go.

So I hope this helps some one in someway.

Don't forget this as well, since im taking it you loaded win2k second on to the system you are naturally going to run slower because 2000 is accessing the slower part of the disk , if u want to run at the same speed as 98 or faster it has to be loaded first onto the disk.

as far as gaming goes this o/s '2k' runs faster than 98 does. once u knock off alot of the services you do not need.
been timing mine out now and tweaking it here and there. and with minor effort it actually runs faster than 98 does now.
those who are not getting the same scores or faster on win2k vs 98 obviously are not tuning it right, or have all the services on.'which is the biggest reason for the slow down'
the only thing holding that system back from another 1000 3dmarks is that GF2 MX, damn shame. And to think I almost got one of those, whew close one.

Even a broken watch is right twice a day...
on my scores i am pulling 7468 and 3348 resectively
I know what u mean by video card one of the two things u cant go cheap on if u plan on playing games on it
on win98 was pulling 7098/2704. thats why i said the win2000 is a better at gaming :)
am running 1100 amd msi k7t pro and have a geforce gts 32 from hercules