Low FPS despite solid pc


Nov 20, 2017
i have a i5 7600k cpu and dual gtx 1070 gpu and i have been lagging and sitting around 60-70 fps on medium settings in many games. Constant micro stuttering and lag even though my ping is low in these games. ive had my 1070 for a month now upgrading from 1050ti and for the first 2-3 weeks everything was fine then one day my fps dropped and all this started. when i look at my task manager in a game my cpu is using 95-99 sometimes 100% while gpu caps around mid 50s usually and temps are fine. not sure whats going on.

it is a dual fan asus gtx 1070 not 2 1070s. i have a 600w power supply and been getting low fps on medium to low settings in pretty much every game going from 30-50 fps
Have you tried a clean reinstall of your GPU drivers? You can first try using the clean installation option in the Custom Installation option when running the Nvidia installer, the use something like Display Driver Uninstaller if that doesnt work.

What PSU do you have specifically?

What are your CPU and GPU thermals?

Have you run a malware/antivirus yet? Is there any unknown process running in the task manager eating up alot of CPU?


ive done a clean reinstall of gpu drivers using that prgram and even done a complete windows restore wiping all drivers clean and reinstalling everything. temps are around 40 degrees Celsius while not in a game. psu is evga 600w