Low FPS for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2..?


Nov 2, 2010
I was wondering why i have low frames in this game, but most other games seem to be fine.. I use a q9650 3Ghz Quad-Core. 3GB Ram. Sapphire ATI Radeon 5850 1GB.. OS - Windows XP..
All of my drivers are up to date, it's just weird to me that i can't play MW2 with tearing on most maps. My recent card was a 9800GT 1GB and that ran the game very smoothly and no problems.. If anyone can give me some information on what the problem might be, please let met know, thanks
Odd..I know it says its system requirements support XP,but you might want to consider upgrading to Vista/Win7, you already have a good computer for it.

Also, try enabling vsync if your getting screen tearing in game.