Low FPS/ High Ping only in BF1


Dec 15, 2016
Hi, I only began having this issue today, but my ping has gone from 26-35 ms to a consistent 115-120 ms. Also, my fps went from 155 fps to capped at 60fps, even though I set the fps cap to 200. I run a 7700k and a 1080ti so I should not expect these issues. Has anyone had these issues? Thanks in advance!
Have you tried making sure your networking drivers are up to date? You may need to uninstall and reinstall them and see if the issue persists. Likewise, have you made sure you're on the latest BIOS update and that you've uninstalled existing drivers and reinstalled your GPU drivers with the latest from Nvidia's support site?

Kind of a noob here, but how do I check if my network drivers are up to date and how do I check my bios updates? I run ethernet btw and I have updated my nvidia drivers today